Undergrad: Damages – Miramar Beach, FL
October 20 - October 21
One of the most critical Courses taught at the Keenan Trial Institute is Damages. This small-group CLE course will provide you with the tools to take your case from a set of facts and turn it into a powerful weapon ready to be presented to a jury for an explosive verdict.
Everything taught at the Damages course will be tried and true methods of non-verbal persuasion, segments of closing for you to work on for your case, and how to tie it all together for different kinds of cases. Damages will explain why jurors give the way that they do and teach you how to motivate them to give what the full value of the case is. As with all KTI Courses, you’ll get hands-on guidance developing and optimizing Damages tactics for your cases.
SCHOLARSHIPS: We offer one scholarship for each course. To apply to receive a scholarship, please click here.
Prerequisites: Welcome to the Keenan Edge, Course #1 Rules and Course #3 Focus Groups
Tuition $1300.00.
Earn up to 16 CLE credits. Total credits dependent on your state bar approval.