B.E.A.S.T. College: Atlanta, GA (In-Person)
March 31 - April 11
Join us for a 12-day journey in Atlanta, GA, where we’ll immerse ourselves in 7 KTI compressed courses. Gain comprehensive knowledge in these courses without any content omitted.
Monday (3/31): Openings
Tuesday (4/1): Depositions
Wednesday (4/2): Witness Prep
Thursday (4/3): Damages
Friday (4/4): Admitted Liability
Saturday (4/5): Black Letter Law
Sunday (4/6): No Class (BLL research)
Monday (4/7): Black Letter Law
Tuesday (4/8): Seeing is Believing
Wednesday (4/9): Focus Groups
Thursday (4/10): Focus Groups (Mock Jury)
Friday (4/11): Disconnects, takeaways, questions, make up work, video and written evaluations. 5pm – Dinner and graduation
Value: $12,000
Price: $9,000
By Taking the B.E.A.S.T College You Save Over $3,000
– Attorneys practicing less than 5 years: $1,000 discount – Use Code: 5YEARS
KTI Rules & Case Selection
KTI Rules & Case Selection
(If haven’t taken yet there is a live course scheduled for August 12 as a Virtual Class and September 30th in Miramar Beach, FL)