Undergraduate: Rules & Case Selection – Virtual

VIRTUAL , United States

Rules & Case Selection is the sole entrance to the Keenan Trial Institute.  Completing Rules give students the right to attend other KTI courses.  Imagine leaving the Rules class with the introduction to an opening statement focused on winning your case in the first four and a half minutes. Trial Lawyers first learn the dirt [...]

UNDERGRAD: Openings – Virtual

VIRTUAL , United States

Openings is a cutting-edge course that builds, expands and gives us brand new elements to the opening statement. This course will teach you how Papa Don has been constructing his opening statements, that have now been tried and tested in hundreds of focus groups and trials. This course will give you the tools to build [...]

Undergraduate: Mediation (Virtual)

VIRTUAL , United States

In Mediation, through a case that you bring, you will learn the psychology of settlements – what works and what doesn’t. By role playing the defense lawyer and mediator, this course will teach you to forcefully show the powerful issues in your case, present the visual case, and the principal of moving money. Additionally, you [...]

Undergraduate: Depositions – Virtual

VIRTUAL , United States

In Keenan Trial Institute’s “Depositions” small-group course, our Faculty will work one-on-one with you and your current case to maximize your depositions. We’ll coach you through creating your hit list, deciding on and carrying out your question format, and using the deposition process and results to assemble and fine tune your direct and cross outlines [...]

Undergraduate: Rules & Case Selection – Miramar Beach, FL (In-Person)

Miramar Beach, FL

Rules & Case Selection is the sole entrance to the Keenan Trial Institute.  Completing Rules give students the right to attend other KTI courses.  Imagine leaving the Rules class with the introduction to an opening statement focused on winning your case in the first four and a half minutes. Trial Lawyers first learn the dirt [...]

B.E.A.S.T. College: Atlanta, GA (In-Person)

Join us for a 12-day journey in Atlanta, GA, where we’ll immerse ourselves in 7 KTI compressed courses. Gain comprehensive knowledge in these courses without any content omitted. Schedule: Monday (3/31): OpeningsTuesday (4/1): DepositionsWednesday (4/2): Witness PrepThursday (4/3): DamagesFriday (4/4): Admitted LiabilitySaturday (4/5): Black Letter LawSunday (4/6): No Class (BLL research)Monday (4/7): Black Letter LawTuesday [...]