- Softcover workbook
- 350 pages
The Keenan Edge 2
The 2nd edition of the popular Keenan Edge book contains the second 2 years of articles from the acclaimed Keenan Trial Blog. Like the first book, TKE2 has organized the weekly blog articles into an easy to use reference manual. With 81 articles, 17 chapters, an index and a glossary, this book truly puts the knowledge of the Edge at your fingertips.
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Sale of this product will not be completed or shipped until the purchaser is verified as a Plaintiff’s lawyer or as a member of a Plaintiff’s firm. All persons previously vetted for the Welcome To The Revolution seminar are automatically qualified and the purchase of the product is governed by the same confidentiality agreement signed as a prerequisite to attend the WTR seminar. Additionally, all products are protected by a trademark, patent and copyright and any resale, gift, or transfer of the products to anyone is a criminal offense and will be prosecuted.
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